Welcome to Interior Right to Life
We are Interior Alaska's pro-life voice and educational resource. We provide citizens with accurate information on life issues such as abortion and euthanasia. If you're talking pro-life, you'll find what you're looking for here.
We believe the only way to make a good decision is to make an informed one, especially when this decision will mean that someone either lives or dies. Abortion and euthanasia are such decisions; they cannot be made lightly. Most often our society presents a very one sided view of theses issues, but we are here to offer the other side: the side that values and respects life. We believe that all human beings from conception to natural death deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happines, and we wholeheartedly believe that when you examine our resources, you'll agree.
Regardless of where you stand on life issues, we have resources of benefit to you. There is so very much more to life and death issues than most often meets the eye.
You can look for as at local community events. We hope to see you there!
Please join us for our monthly council meetings every second Monday of the month from 6:30-8:30PM at Noel Wien Library.